Hello Food Lovers! If you are looking for the current Oriental Durban North menu, then you are at the right place. We have compiled the whole menu of Oriental Durban North with updated prices.
Oriental is a famous restaurant in Durban North, South Africa. The restaurant offers a wide range of menu items including sparks, bunny chows, authentic curries, family meals, roti rolls with fillings, masala biryanis, sides, and cold beverages.
All the menu items are prepared from fresh and high-quality ingredients, sourced locally. The restaurant has indoor and outdoor seating. Within the restaurant, light music plays all day long.
At Oriental, the atmosphere is calm and cozy. The staff is friendly and well-mannered. The service is quick. The prices are affordable. The restaurant also offers delivery services through Mr. D delivery.
The meal is incomplete without beverages. So, Oriental also offers a range of cold beverages including Coke, Coke Light, Fanta Grape, Fanta Orange, Appetizers, Ceres Fruit Juices, and others, ranging in price from R15 to R25.